Frenectomies in Colorado Springs

A frenectomy is a quick and straightforward procedure performed by a skilled dentist or oral surgeon. This treatment involves the removal or modification of the frenulum, a small piece of tissue that connects the tongue, lips, or cheeks to the gums. The procedure is often recommended when the frenulum is restrictive - too tight or short, causing difficulties with breastfeeding latches, speech, eating, or other oral functions. Dr. Dan Hoang at Campfire Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Colorado Springs is highly experienced in performing frenectomies, ensuring the utmost safety and comfort for all patients.

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Why Should My Child Get A Frenectomy?

A frenectomy can offer numerous benefits, especially in children experiencing issues related to a restrictive frenulum. For instance, a child with a lip or tongue-tie might struggle with breastfeeding, speech development, breathing, cavities and even social interactions due to their limited tongue and or lip movement. A frenectomy with your pediatric dentist in Colorado Springs can alleviate these issues, allowing for normal oral function and development. Additionally, the procedure is minimally invasive, with most patients experiencing little to no discomfort and a swift recovery.

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Did you know…

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A tongue-tie affects 4-11% of newborns globally.

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The Benefits Of A Frenectomy

Improved Speech

A frenectomy can significantly enhance a child's speech development. A restrictive frenulum can limit the movement of the tongue, making it difficult for a child to articulate certain sounds or words. By freeing up the tongue, a frenectomy can help improve speech clarity and fluency, boosting the child's confidence and communication skills.

Easier Feeding

For infants, a lip-tie or tongue-tie can make breastfeeding incredibly challenging, leading to poor weight gain and distress for both the baby and mother. A frenectomy can resolve this issue, making feeding more comfortable and ensuring the child receives adequate nutrition.

Enhanced Oral Hygiene

A tight frenulum can make it difficult to clean certain areas of the mouth properly, which can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. A frenectomy can improve oral hygiene by allowing for more thorough cleaning and reducing the likelihood of dental issues in the future.

The Frenectomy Treatment Process

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Evaluation and Diagnosis

The first step in the frenectomy process involves a comprehensive examination of the child and mother as needed by Dr. Hoang. He will assess the frenulum's size, position, and the degree to which it interferes with oral function. He will also assess mom’s symptoms and experiences in the case of issues with breastfeeding. This step will also include a discussion about the child's medical history and any symptoms they may be experiencing.

Dr. Dan’s philosophy is that surgical intervention should be one of the last things considered. If there is another way to improve symptoms, those options should be explored. At the very least, in conjunction with other services to ensure improvement for the child.

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The Frenectomy Procedure

Once a diagnosis is made, Dr. Hoang will perform the frenectomy. This procedure involves using a tool to precisely cut and remove the restrictive tissue. There are many ways providers can perform frenectomies, including a scalpel, scissors, and lasers. At Campfire Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we use electrocautery. Electrocautery is an electrical current that is used to cut and cauterize at the same time, providing a quick procedure with reduced bleeding. It can also be used to stop the bleeding at the end of the procedure as well.

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Post-Procedure Care

After the procedure, Dr. Hoang will provide detailed instructions for post-procedure care. This may include specific oral exercises to help the child adapt to their newfound freedom of movement. Regular follow-up appointments can also be scheduled to monitor the healing process and ensure the procedure's success.

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