Pediatric Dental Fillings in Colorado Springs

Pediatric dental fillings are a common treatment aimed at restoring the health and function of a child's tooth that has been affected by decay or injury. These fillings are typically made of safe, durable materials that can withstand the rigors of a child's daily activities, including eating and brushing. They are designed to mimic the tooth's natural color to blend in seamlessly with the rest of the child's teeth. The procedure is straightforward and can be completed in a single visit to our office.

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Why Should My Child Get Pediatric Dental Fillings?

When a child has a cavity, it's essential to treat it promptly to prevent further decay and damage to the tooth’s structure and potential damage to the tooth’s nerve. If left untreated, cavities can lead to severe discomfort, infection, and even tooth loss. Pediatric dental fillings are a simple and effective solution to this problem. If cavities are diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, more extensive treatment like crowns, root canals or extractions can be avoided. Fillings not only restore the tooth's health but also prevent the spread of decay. Additionally, they can help improve your child's oral hygiene by eliminating areas where plaque and bacteria can build up. This is accomplished by restoring a tooth with a filling that has anatomy that is less prone to harboring plaque and bacteria.

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Did you know…

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The first dental fillings were made of beeswax and were used over 6,500 years ago!

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The Benefits of Pediatric Dental Fillings

Pain Relief

Fillings are recommended for smaller sized cavities. These cavities are not necessarily causing pain but one of the most immediate benefits of pediatric dental fillings is preventing that cavity from getting to a size that will cause pain. However, smaller cavities can still cause significant discomfort, particularly when eating or drinking hot or cold foods. By filling the cavity, we eliminate the source of the pain, which can provide immediate relief to your child.

Prevention of Further Decay

Pediatric dental fillings treat existing cavities and help prevent further decay. The filling seals off spaces where bacteria can enter. This reduces the risk of additional cavities in the future.

Restoration of Tooth Function

A cavity can make it difficult for a child to chew properly, which can impact their ability to eat a balanced diet. A dental filling restores the tooth's function, allowing your child to eat comfortably and maintain good nutritional health.

The Pediatric Dental Fillings Treatment Process

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Examination and Diagnosis

The initial stage is a comprehensive assessment of your child's dental health, where Dr. Dan Hoang will meticulously examine for signs of decay. This step not only involves identifying cavities but also assessing overall oral hygiene and potential risk factors for decay. After pinpointing the decayed areas, Dr. Hoang will discuss whether a filling is necessary or if alternative treatments might be a better option.

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Tooth Preparation

If a filling is the best option for your child, the preparation for a dental filling begins. Dr. Hoang meticulously removes the decayed area from the tooth, ensuring all traces of decay are eliminated. This step might involve slightly reshaping the tooth's structure to provide a solid foundation for the filling. The area is then thoroughly sanitized to prevent any future bacterial growth. 

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Filling Placement

The final step is the placement of the filling. The filling material is placed into the prepared tooth and shaped to match the tooth's natural contours. It is then hardened with a special light to ensure it's secure and durable.

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Campfire Smiles Difference

There are a lot of steps and variables even when it comes to something as simple as a filling. The precision of removing the cavity, reshaping the tooth, the scaffold to rebuild the tooth and even the choice of filling material all affect the quality and predictability of the restoration. You can trust that at Campfire Smiles, your child is well taken care of.

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